We recommend to always confirm the exact time bands will go on stage, either with the venue or with the band, before going to the venue to see said band. The times shown here may be erroneous, as we can only post the most recent information we can get.

Snap Shot

Shakers 121 W. Stevenson Road, Ottawa, IL, United States

Playing at Shakers, Ottawa, IL

Sunset Strip

Shattered Saloon 5440 N. 2nd Street, Loves Park, IL, United States

Playing at Shattered Saloon, Loves Park, IL


115 Bourbon Street 3359 W. 115th Street, Merrionette Park, IL, United States

Playing at 115 Bourbon Street, Merrionette Park,IL

Poison’d Crue

Tailgaters 431 W. Boughton Road, Bolingbrook, IL, United States

Playing at Tailgaters, Bolingbrook, IL

Sunset Strip

Sundance Saloon 2061 W. Maple Avenue, Mundelein, IL, United States

Playing at Sundance Saloon, Mundelein, IL

Shock the System

Rookie's RocHaus 96 W. Main Street, West Dundee, IL, United States

Playing at Rookie's RocHaus, West Dundee, IL


Arcada Theater 105 E. Main Street, St. Charles, IL, United States

Playing at Arcada Theater, St. Charles, IL


Des Plaines Theater 1476 Miner Street, Des Plaines, IL, United States

Anthem' Grand Illusion playing at Des Plaines Theater, IL

Hairbangers Ball

Arcada Theater 105 E. Main Street, St. Charles, IL, United States

Playing at Arcada Theater, St. Charles, IL

Jessie’s Girl Chicago

Bedrocks 700 W. Jefferson Street, Shorewood, IL, United States

Playing at Bedrock's, Shorewood, IL

Jessie’s Girl Chicago

Broken Oar 614 Rawson Bridge Road, Port Barrington, IL, United States

Playing at Broken Oar, Port Barrington, IL


Impact Fuel Room 481 Peterson Road, Libertyville, IL, United States

Playing at Austin's Fuel Room, Libertyville, IL